
Hebrew School
Our goal is to help each of our students discover their individual Jewish identities while learning about history, beloved traditions, and Hebrew language skills. This prepares them to become caring members of the Jewish community long after their Bar/Bat Mitzvah services. Many of our graduates volunteer to tutor our younger students, return to chant Torah during our High Holiday services, and help out at various events and programs.
Hebrew School by Age
Kindergartners through 2nd graders
Attend a Sunday-only preparatory program focusing on helping the younger students feel comfortable in the temple environment through fun activities. We introduce them to the Sanctuary - the Ark, Bimah, Torah, etc.
3rd through 7th graders
Attend classes on both Tuesdays and Sundays, focusing on prayers, holidays, and Jewish history. Our innovative curriculum exposes our students to a variety of teachers and learning experiences. Use of technology in the classroom, including smartphone and tablet apps, aids in Hebrew language learning and research.
Bar and Bat Mitzvah students
A tutor assures that the students are prepared for their big day. Rabbi Debra works with each Bar/Bat Mitzvah student to bring insight and relevance to their Parsha.​​​​​

Adult Learning
We offer many opportunities for learning and engagement, including a Torah study and discussion of the weekly portion at every Saturday morning service, special events and guest lectures, and regular Adult Education classes.
Past guest speakers have included leaders from HIAS, Free the Slaves, Breaking the Chain Through Education, First Friends of New York and New Jersey, and local hospitals, as well as Christian and Muslim communities. Each summer and occasionally during the year, CBI members offer a sermon, mini-lesson or discussion during services. We enjoy a tradition of members sharing about their family history, Jewish journey, or Torah insights from the pulpit.
Rabbi Debra Orenstein generally leads the Torah study and discussion on Shabbat mornings and designs the Adult Education classes, which usually take place on Sunday mornings or weekday evenings. The classes are always participatory, and she often invites members with expertise or a special interest in a given topic to co-lead. About four times a year, the Rabbi offers a Learning Service for adults and teens.