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Men's Club
If you’d like the opportunity to hang out with a bunch of great guys and, at the same time, help benefit your synagogue, then the CBI Men’s Club is for you!

We join with Sisterhood for the ‘High Holiday Food Drive’; put up ‘Ike’s Sukkah’; enjoy an evening of ‘Scotch & Steak in the Sukkah’; plan the ‘Hanukkah Latke Dinner’; play cards at our monthly ‘Poker Games’; help out in the kitchen at the Purim Carnival; man the BBQs for the ‘Hebrew School Moving Up Ceremony’; and much more. We are always open to new ideas for good times together!

All it takes is $36 per year to join Men's Club. Use this membership form to join.
Contact Craig Aisenman at for more information.

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