What is Sisterhood? It is closeness among women. The opportunity to share, to learn, to explore, and to have fun! We support each other and our families in difficult times and celebrate in times of joy.

We gather together on Zoom for our monthly Book Club as well as our Movie Night, with titles that are suggested directly by our participants. We celebrate our women's holiday, Rosh Chodesh, every new moon and new month with a special program, sometimes at CBI and sometimes on Zoom. ‘Tikkun Olam’ through social action and outreach are important to us. We organize and participate in food drives; winter clothing drives; cooking for The Center for Hope & Safety; supporting programs with our local interfaith and refugee communities; and much, much more.

We look forward to welcoming everyone, and always appreciate new ideas to keep us going. Join this wonderful group of women, become involved with what we do, and be rewarded with the rich friendships that our CBI Sisterhood represents.
You can join for just $36 per year to help support our programs.